The Caribbean Metaverse

December 1, 2021

The Metaverse has become a hot topic ever since Facebook decided to change its company name to Meta in October. Since then, Barbados made headlines announcing that it would become the first country in the world to establish an embassy in the Meterverse world. But what really is “the Metaverse” and how does this new virtual space fit into our everyday reality? And should we be paying more attention to this new technological era and why? Joining me now to discuss we have Online Business Strategist, Keron Rose and Co-Founder and Director of Tech Beach Retreat Inc, Kyle Maloney.

And THE ANALYSTS weigh in on the latest market developments… The economy is on track to continue growing into next year. Chinese regulators are pressing executives of ride hailing giant Didi Global to delist from the New York Stock Exchange over concerns about data security… but is that really the reason? And the Dow Jones suffered its worst day of the year on news of the new Omicron Covid variant found in South Africa. Should you be concerned? We’ll discuss.

Categories: Taking Stock

Audio Only Stream

The Cast

David Rose

Keron Rose

Online Business Strategist

David Rose

Kyle Maloney

Co-Founder, Director, Tech Beach Retreat

David Rose

David Rose

Business Writer, Observer

Keisha Bailey

Financial Coach, Founder and CEO of Profit Jumpstarter

Theodore Mitchell

Group Sovereign Research Analyst at JMMB

Categories: Taking Stock