April 20, 2022

MONEY MOVESJA: Why Internal Marketing is Good for Your Business

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Companies tend to focus on their outside clients and making the customer happy. Understandably as your customers are what keeps the business afloat. But did you know that your employees are your customers too? Think about it. If your employees align with the company’s visions and operations it creates a great experience for your outside clients to do business with you.Joining us now to speak about internal marketing we have Financial Services Marketer, Kerry-Ann Stimpson.

Having employees that understand and believe in a company’s vision is one of the greatest marketing tools any business can have.

Employees can make the best brand ambassadors for a company. If the employees believe in the mission, vision and purpose of a company, then that will be portrayed to customers. 

Speaking on Money Moves with Kalilah Reynolds, Kerry-Ann Stimpson says once customers can see that an employee believes in the product or service that they are recommending, they are more likely to support that business. 

According to Stimpson, internal marketing is promoting a company’s vision, mission and purpose to employees so that they can feel like they are a part of the brand.

“The goal is that, if we can get them to buy into that then they not only become more engaged in what we’re about as a company but it empowers them to live that purpose as well,” she said.

She noted that customers often pick up immediately if employees do not believe in the company that they work for.

She said that customers tend to trust the employee’s perspective more because they are on the ground and behind the scenes every day. 

In the process of empowering employees, Stimpson said however, that it is important that business owners establish clear rules about how employees should represent themselves, especially online.

She acknowledged that there may still be employers who want their employees to establish a clear line between their personal and profession brands online. 

“That’s why things like your social media policies are very important. We want to be very clear about what employees can and can not talk about but on the flip side you still want to ensure that employees feel that empowerment to talk,” she said.

Stimpson said that it is also important that businesses allow their employees to be themselves online, whether it be through a travel blog, a photography Instagram page or something else. She said that when customers see employees who are happy and fulfilled in their lives while working at the business, then they are likely to want to support the company that treats their employees well. 

She also encouraged companies to leverage employees that have large social media followings as that provides discounted marketing to the company.

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