The End of Cryptocurrency?

November 15, 2022

The second largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world, FTX, has filed for bankruptcy, triggering a bloodbath in the crypto market!

What does this mean for major cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin? What will happen to all FTX customers? And should crypto now be regulated? International Keynote Speaker on Bitcoin, Blockchain and Finance Technology, Armando Pantoja, joins us to discuss.

And THE ANALYSTS weigh in on NCB’s Q4 results. And Internationally, U.S. stocks rose significantly last Friday after a deceleration in CPI inflation data ignited the most intense rally on Wall Street since early 2020.

Audio Only Stream

The Cast

Armando Pantoja

 International Keynote Speaker on Bitcoin, Blockchain and Finance Technology

Keisha Bailey

Financial Coach, Founder and CEO of Profit Jumpstarter

Leovaughni Dillion

Investment Research & Sovereign
Risk Analyst at JMMB Group

Categories: Taking Stock


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