December 1, 2021

MONEY MOVESJA: Keys to Networking

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As a small business, you need to put yourself out there. Surround yourself with people who are like minded individuals and have the same goals and ambitions as you. That way your small business should be able to strive through networking. Lead Trainer at ScaleUP, Danielle Terrelonge is here to discuss why networking is important.

Networking-a catalyst for small business growth

Small businesses can seek to achieve growth through networking . According to Lead Trainer at ScaleUP, Danielle Terrelonge, connecting with like minded people with similar goals and ambitions can help a business to strive

Speaking on #MoneyMoves with Kalilah Reynolds, she advised that networking remains a great way to keep in touch with the audience being targeted by the business. She said the process can help a business to sell its products and services to customers as it keeps the business relevant and in front of people.

Terrelonge noted the networking provides a platform for conversation which she said gives the ability for an emotional connection with others.

“The ability to not just have an ad but to say hi, this is what I do and have that elevator pitch ready all the time, can lead to someone saying, oh wow there’s somebody i’d like to work with and get an opportunity to speak with,” she said.

“In marketing we know the best way to get to the target audience is through creating an emotional connection,” she added.

The Trainer also noted that networking allows people to collaborate with others in the same industry, including suppliers or distributors, which can allow that business to build out their products and services.

That collaboration can also provide some insights on competition which can help a business to further improve.

She said networking can easily help a business build its own following and can be leveraged to creating new opportunities as well. To this end, she’s encouraging more small businesses to ensure they are involved in several organizations, especially those which may have members already being scoped.

“Being a part of the Private Sector Organization of Jamaica (PSOJ) for example allows me to say hey i’d like to host a conference, webinar, or bring my expertise at your next event. My membership affords that opportunity and the same applies across other spaces like Rotary and Kiwanis clubs…Choose the ones that work for you. You may want to look at all of them and say where are the ones where we can find customers or collaborators,” she said.

With the ongoing challenge of COVID-19, more online networking has emerged. Terrelonge advised that when on social media and online events, one should approach people from a curious point of view.

She said it’s also important to recognize the language being used as not all types of speech may be appropriate.

“There are many [like me] who want to help small businesses, give back, and give of their time so we just have to be bold to reach out to them but be careful how you reach out because we don’t necessarily want to be creeped out by you,” she said.

She said being prepared and bold also helps with networking, noting that while there may at times be fear, business owners should be deliberate and intentional about their communications.

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