August 4, 2021


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Best practices for hiring staff

Hiring new staff for your organization can be a daunting process , especially if you’ve just gotten to the point where you can take on that responsibility.

However, Director at Human Resources Management Association of Jamaica, Colinnette Wilson said there are certain recommended practices to get the right people.

Speaking on #MoneyMovesJa with Kalilah Reynolds, Wilson said employers must first ensure that the requirements being put out in job offers lineup as closely as possible to the ideal candidate needed.

She also said job adverts should be ‘catchy’ and ‘exciting’, and be clear to those looking on.

“You want to have people who are on the other side reading it to get a feel as to what type of person you are looking for, what your company is like,” she said.

“Sometimes what we put out there we want to make sure it is clear to the average person and sometimes it may mean having someone else read it before you send it out,” she added.

Wilson noted that there are certain requirements that can be added to adverts to help employers narrow down the potential pool of applicants which then makes it easier for selection.

“Once you start sorting based on those criteria you may have some things you know the person must have, there are other things which are nice to have so you start with what they must have and then you narrow it down there,” she said.

Wilson also recommends putting salaries or salary ranges on job adverts to foster an alignment of expectations from both the employer and the job seeker.

When it comes to deciding said salaries, Wilson said it pays to know what has been happening in the particular industry to which the business falls. However she said figures will also depend on the maturity of the organization.

“When you have an organization which is starting up pretty new, you may find that the roles are not as clearly defined. You may want your jack of all trades and as the organization becomes more mature then you will have more specific roles,” she reasoned.

The HR professional said in today’s world there are a number of places employers can also visit to scout talent including search engines and the popular linkedin platform. She said it also doesn’t hurt to seek referrals.

Wilson also explained that there are differences in contracts when hiring people. These contracts, she said, also determine the responsibilities and obligations of the employer.

A contract for service, for example, she said can allow an employee to have several employers, and would not bound one particular employer to providing the usual benefits that would be expected for a permanent position. There are also differences in legal obligations.

General obligations for employers however include providing a safe space for work, paying at least minimum wage and paying over statutory deductions and pension on behalf of employees where applicable. Under the law persons working on a contract are responsible for paying their own taxes.

Wilson added that employers are also obligated to provide permanent employees with payslips.

“So you have to let them know what it is they are earning, their rate of pay, you have to indicate to them what is taken out of their pay and why it is taken out,” she said.

She added that employers must also have certain information on employees at all times including their proper names, proof of age and emergency contacts.

As it relates to health insurance, Wilson said employers are not legally binded to provide it. However she said it’s one of the things which help to make employers more attractive to potential team members.

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