June 16, 2021


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Find new customers with video content marketing


In this digital age, when people have more options to choose what they want to see and how they want to see it, it can be challenging to market your product.  One strategy that is gaining more traction among marketers is video content marketing.


According to CEO of the video production agency, Apeiron, Adam Cummings, 82% of internet traffic for consumers is video.  As a result, more companies are turning to video content marketing.


Video content marketing is a relatively new marketing strategy that adopts the principle of producing and sharing relevant and consistent video content to a targeted audience. The aim of the strategy is to attract, engage, and convert. 


  1. Awareness content


Cummings explained that companies promoting new products are typically advised to post the shortest possible content in the first instance, as people trying to find out about something new usually want to get to the point and understand what it is about quickly.


He said those same persons are then likely to give more of their time once they become aware of the product and like the content. At that point, he said a longer video can be produced as some trust would have been gained.


“The strategy and where things are for your product will determine if we do ads only. An ad is generally a piece of awareness content, so when you find out about a product you don’t necessarily need to be brought aware of it anymore so we can then move into consideration content, and that is a longer form of content that won’t necessarily be an ad,” he said.


  1. Consideration content


He said consideration content would provide additional information for consumers to make their decision.


“Let’s say you started a bread company and nobody knew about it… You can put out ads or run short form content that grabs people’s attention, so people will become aware of the bread that you’re selling. The subset of people who have found out about the bread who want to now find out now if this is for me, how the bread is baked, is it what i’m looking for, they will start to dig deeper. Generally on social media people go onto websites, social media pages they scroll, they look around to see what other people are saying and to see if other people have posted about it and those things can fall into the consideration category,” he explained. 


Cummings said targeting plays a critical role in video content marketing, noting that the digital space allows for it as opposed to the traditional outlets. He added that understanding the pain point of a target audience also helps to develop the consideration content.


“When you understand that someone is looking for a shorter bread because the bread usually goes bad, we put those things into the consideration content, so people can see and understand that this specifically is for me and it solves the problems that I have,” he said. 


  1. Conversion content


Cummings said the marketing strategy also includes conversion content which provides that nudge for people to buy a product even after they’ve done their own research.


“That conversion content tells them hey, you can buy this thing and these are the places you can get it. You have to understand that all of these things are important but they are important in the right time, in the right place, for the right person and it’s the segmentation that the digital platform allows for that we have taken into consideration in our strategy,” said Cummings.


Comparing traditional television advertising, Cummings noted that an infomercial would include all three strategies. However, he said infomercials wouldn’t necessarily work on the internet based on the frequency of content.


“It’s very noisy to get that whole thing across to people because people have choices, people watch what they want to watch and if they fall out of love with the 10 seconds that you’ve shown to them, they move on to something else so you can’t really try to squeeze everything into that infomercial type thing in the same way that it happened on TV,” he reasoned.


Companies needing help with their video content marketing strategy can reach Aperion at 876-504-4430 or via email at: adam@apeirondp.com


#MoneyMovesJa is a partnership between Kalilah Reynolds Media and EXIM Bank’s Business Advisory Service. New episodes premiere Wednesdays at 7pm on YouTube.




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