August 30, 2021

Flow Business – Digital Marketing 101
Jodi-kay Williams


Through its series of free webinars, Flow Business has been helping small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) grow their business in the digital space.


Their most recent webinar, Digital Marketing 101, featured several industry leaders handing out helpful tips and advice to ensure companies maximise the full potential of the online space.


Speaking to Kalilah Reynolds during a recap of the webinar, Manager of B2B Marketing at Flow Business, Kim Lee, said that the webinars aim to empower businesses to grow and thrive in a very competitive environment. 


‘‘(The digital space) is an area that has exploded in the past year and a half, so we wanted to ensure that while we put together and provide products under our Flow Business brand for the SMEs, we want to give them information as well,’’ Lee explained.


Understanding the Basics


Brand strategist, Naomi Garrick, who was a panellist during the webinar, said that before companies start building out their brands in the digital space, they first have to understand the basics of personal branding, which include:


  1. How you see yourself;
  2. What others say about you;
  3. The unique value that you offer/problem that you solve; and,
  4. What Google has to say about you.


Garrick said that online presence has become increasingly important since the COVID-19 pandemic, now that everyone has transitioned into the online space.


According to Garrick, to build a brand identity, companies have to be aware of how they are showing up in different online spaces.


‘‘Not just social media, but do you have a website? What comes up on the website of the company you work for? What comes up on your Instagram; your different platforms, anywhere that you show up online,’’ she said.


Keep Updated Profiles


Similarly, Garrick said keeping an updated online profile is essential. 


‘‘Make sure that when someone decides to click on a platform that you are actually on, it has accurate and relevant information about you or your brand or your company,’’ she said. 


A major key to companies growing their presence in the digital space is also understanding where their target audience lives and what that audience wants to see or hear.


‘‘You could be putting your content on Instagram when your audience actually lives on LinkedIn,’’ Garrick said.


Register Your Brands


Meanwhile, roughly 57 per cent of the participants at the webinar acknowledged that they had not registered their brands for online use, something that Lee said more companies should make a priority. 


‘‘Create a distinctive brand, register your trademark, protect your copyright and monitor infringement,’’ she said, recalling the presentation by Attorney-at-Law, Ron Young.


She also urged companies to use the Jamaica Intellectual Property Office that allows businesses to register their brands.


Smart Solutions


Lee also explained that Flow Business offers a suite of smart solutions created just for the SME market.


She explained that Flow Business can create websites for its customers in as little as five days, as well as create an online store with reputable banks and companies that clients can feel good about.


‘‘This is not going to be something where you’re fumbling to get your website together, and the ‘oh my goodness, how do I sign up for PayPal’, these all come together’’ she explained.


Companies also have the option to create personalised emails, with up to 10 gigs of storage.


‘‘When you’re doing proper business, having a Gmail or Yahoo address, those days are over. It’s time for you to align and have an email address … that links you back to your company,’’ she said.


Other features of Flow Business’ smart solutions offerings include; website and cloud security, Bitdefender, which protects against malware and ransom attacks as well as access to a 24-hour help desk.

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