April 15, 2022

MONEY MOVESJA: Find your soul career!

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How do you find your soul career? What even is a soul career? We’ll be speaking with Lisandra Rickards,Founder and CEO of Soul Career. She’s going to explain how you can find your soul career and how to monetize your passions!

Combining passion with strategic business planning is the only way to ensure that entrepreneurs run a successful business that does not drain their energy and kill their drive.

Founder and CEO of professional training and coaching company Soul Career, Lisandra Rickards says that being passionate about a chosen career or industry will only take you so far.

Speaking on MoneyMovesJa with Kalilah Reynolds said that having an appropriate business model that can incorporate passion into a lifestyle that the business owner wants to live is a major key.

Using herself as an example, the CEO said that the lifestyle she wants to live is one of learning and sharing but not constant content creation.

“I know that I have chronic burnout and I know that whatever I do, I want to build something once and sell it multiple times; which is the course-based model,” she explained.

According to Rickards, finding the right balance is important to ensure not just mental health but the business’s longevity.

“There’s a lot of hustle culture in entrepreneurship; burn yourself out, burn the candle at both ends until you make it. That’s changing now coming out of the pandemic and the focus on mental health and burning out,” she said.

“However, it is very easy for an idea or a product to drain all your energy out of you because you haven’t thought about the business model around that product or passion,” she added.

She also said it is not enough to just say you’re going to be the creative side of the business and have someone else take over the business side. Rickards said that once an individual decides to start a company they should also become a business person.

“If you have a wall against knowing your numbers, against knowing the business model, then you’re not ready to go into business,” she said.

Rickards added that once the business begins generating steady, reliable income then some business aspects can be outsourced but the owner still has a duty to be aware and understand all that is happening.
Rickards said that figuring out how your work will affect the kind of lifestyle that you want to live is one piece of the cure for burnout.

She said ultimately, the cure for burnout is really in understanding the different kinds of rest that is needed as an individual; not just physical rest but also mental and emotional rest and giving yourself the things you need.

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